Ahmednagar | 18 August
When Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj is said, the first thing that comes to the fore is the great hero portrayed by novelists in their vocabulary. But beyond that history Shivaji Maharaj is very different, real and greater. But how? So let’s find out from the famous historian
Lecturer – Mr. Indrajit Sawant MA. (History), M.A. (Archaeology) Famous historian and writer.
Admission is free. The program will start on time. Sunday, August 18, 2024. 3.30 PM to 7.00 PM Venue – Mauli Sabhagruh, Zopadi Canteen, Savedi Road, Ahmednagar. Program Format: Lecture followed by open discussion.
organizer Dr. Dhananjay Ware, Dr. Mahesh Jare, Dr. Ravikant Pacharne, Rehmat Sultan Foundation, Dr. Rajendra Dhamane Aksharmanav Mauli Sewa A. Nagar and Team Rayat Samachar. For more information contact Mob. 9922412838
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