Election: Most Important Message for Voters: Even a Donkey Costs ₹30,000-40,000; Why Devalue Yourself? Do Not Sell Your Vote – An Appeal by the Alert Citizens Forum - English Rayat Samachar
Reading:Election: Most Important Message for Voters: Even a Donkey Costs ₹30,000-40,000; Why Devalue Yourself? Do Not Sell Your Vote – An Appeal by the Alert Citizens Forum
Election: Most Important Message for Voters: Even a Donkey Costs ₹30,000-40,000; Why Devalue Yourself? Do Not Sell Your Vote – An Appeal by the Alert Citizens Forum
Election The Alert Citizens Forum in Mumbai has issued a crucial message to the voters of Maharashtra. They appeal to voters to recognize that the quality of your vote determines the quality of your government. Before casting your vote, consider the candidate’s background, integrity, and credentials. The era of voting solely based on political party affiliations is over. Most political parties today lack values, ideologies, ethics, and honesty. They are mired in corruption and distractions. Thus, the Forum urges voters to focus on the individual candidate’s qualities rather than the party they represent.
The Forum asks: “When buying a ₹10 bunch of coriander, don’t you carefully examine its quality, going through multiple bundles to pick the best? When purchasing a mobile phone, don’t you choose the best one available in the market? While shopping for shirts and pants, don’t you consider the brand? Even when selecting a groom for your daughter or a bride for your son, don’t you ensure they are the best match? For something as simple as slippers, don’t you opt for the best brand available?”
So why, they ask, do voters not exercise the same care and thoughtfulness when selecting a candidate who will be entrusted with the power to shape their future? Voting based on emotions or thoughtless considerations, rather than the candidate’s credentials, leads to the establishment of a substandard system.
The Forum further states: “Reflect wisely on how much harm has been caused by voting for unsuitable candidates purely based on emotional or superficial issues. When you cast your vote without considering the candidate’s qualifications or character, you are sowing the seeds for a flawed governance system.”
They emphasize: If you desire quality public schools, efficient healthcare systems, reliable public transportation, and overall good governance, you must act as literate and informed citizens in a democracy. While choosing candidates, prioritize those who are competent, honest, educated, free from criminal records, socially responsible, and minimally corrupt. Although it may seem almost impossible to find a completely corruption-free candidate in today’s times, the Forum urges voters to choose the one with the highest level of integrity.
They conclude with a powerful appeal: “Do not sell your vote for ₹500, ₹1,000, or even ₹5,000. Even a donkey costs ₹30,000-40,000 in the market. Why devalue yourself below a donkey?”
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